GPSTC Training Policies
Amy Knight (Deactivated)
Students who enroll in training at GPSTC are expected to maintain a professional and courteous demeanor. Failure to abide by the GPSTC policies may result in disciplinary action including the student’s dismissal from class, assessment of a fee or fine to the student or their employing agency or permanent expulsion from GPSTC campuses. Click on specific sections below for more details on GPSTC’s training policies.
Students may miss scheduled class activities only in the event of illness, emergencies, or business related reasons. The Course Coordinator should be notified of planned absences. Most courses require 90% attendance while some basic classes require 95%.
Students are prevented from applying for more than one opening of a course as well as applying for more than one course during the same date range. Students are generally prevented from registering for a course if three employees from the same agency are also registered for the course.
Students can be accepted into no more than three classes at a time during the three month registration period. Some mandatory sequential classes may be exempt.
All forms of alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs are prohibited on state property except for use in training activities under the direct supervision of a Course Coordinator. All forms of gambling are prohibited on state property. Smoking (including the use of vapor e-cigarettes) is permitted in designated areas outside the building only. Tobacco chewing, dipping and spitting is regarded as an outdoor activity.
Student cancellations should be submitted through the online registration system via the GPSTC Access page as early as possible to allow other agencies to fill unregistered seats. However, substitution by the agency is preferred to cancellation. Please note that substitute students must meet the criteria and prerequisites for the course and substitutions can also be made online by an agency administrator via the GPSTC Access page. Cancellations or substitutions must be submitted prior to the starting time for the class; failure to do so will result in a “No Show” designation.
Students shall not damage or deface GPSTC property. Damages to barrack rooms by students or missing items discovered upon a student’s checkout from the barracks will be billed to the agency with which the student is employed. Trainees who fail to return loaned Training Center property or incur indebtedness to the Center will not graduate until the debt is resolved or property returned.
Some courses may require wearing uniforms or special attire. Course coordinators will advise class members when certain clothing is necessary. Students are otherwise expected to dress in attire appropriate for presenting a professional appearance. Unacceptable clothing includes, but is not limited to, flip flops, shorts, short-shorts, tank tops and t-shirts.
Students who are employed by state, county, or municipal public safety agencies in Georgia may attend training at no charge. Lodging and supplies (unless noted in the course description) are provided by the Training Center. Students must pay for meals.
Employees of federal agencies, out-of-state agencies, and private sector organizations may attend courses on a space-available basis and will be assessed a tuition fee as outlined in the fee schedule below for basic mandate courses. Advanced and specialized courses cost $15 per credit hour. An additional fee is applied to courses with significant supply costs (e.g. driver training, firearms, firefighting, etc.). Tuition includes lodging for students attending a basic mandate course in Forsyth, otherwise, tuition does not include meals or lodging. Tuition cannot be refunded after the student has begun a class. Please note the ending dates and times of all classes to ensure completion in a timely manner.
For more detailed eligibility information, please visit our Student Eligibility and Tuition page.
Any student who is in need of emergency services personnel due to an illness, injury or criminal activity should contact them by dialing 911 from a cell phone or 7-911 from a GPSTC phone. If emergency personnel are summoned, please notify the GPSTC Front Desk by dialing “0” from a GPSTC phone.
Anyone discovering a fire should:
Activate the nearest fire alarm
Notify the Front Desk personnel
Evacuate the building with the other students
Injuries and illnesses during class hours should be reported to your course coordinator or, if after normal class hours, to the front lobby Front Desk. Following an injury, a report must be filed by the course coordinator. Injuries sustained at the Center are covered by your employer’s health insurance and/or Worker Compensation insurance carrier if you are attending training under your employer’s sponsorship. Therefore, you must also notify your employer of any injury or accident.
Tests at the Center shall generally consist of two types: 1) written exams which evaluate cognitive knowledge, and 2) performance exams, when appropriate, which evaluate psychomotor skills. Students must achieve a passing grade of at least 70% on examinations to graduate and get credit for training unless an even higher standard is established and communicated to the class by the course coordinator.
Students who fail a written or performance examination may or may not have the opportunity for a retest. Students should check with their course coordinator to see if they may take a re-test for the course or section of a course for which they are enrolled. Prior to any performance examination, students will generally have a chance to practice the skills that will be tested.
Any student seen by a test administrator to be cheating on a written or performance examination, or after thorough investigation determined to have been cheating on such exam, shall be immediately dismissed from the Training Center. Both POST and the student’s employing agency will be notified. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to: copying, photographing or otherwise capturing the image of any examination or being in the unauthorized possession of any written/performance exam.
Students attending courses at the Center are permitted to fish after training hours and with a valid fishing license. Fishing rules are as follows:
Fishing hours: Monday – Friday, 5:00 PM until 30 minutes before sunset.
No alcoholic beverages.
No boats, rafts, canoes or kayaks. Only bank fishing is allowed.
All trash and debris shall be removed from the area before departure.
The GPSTC front desk staff must be notified when you are fishing. The front desk can be notified in person or by calling (478) 993-4491.
Obey any signage indicating fishing locations are closed. Training and other scheduled activities will take precedence over fishing activities.
See the front desk staff for additional rules and regulations.
Classrooms are to be maintained in an orderly fashion by all who use the facilities. Clean-up is provided after hours with inmate labor, so for that reason, all valuables should be secured by students at the end of each class day.
Janitorial, landscaping and some housekeeping services at GPSTC are provided by inmates. These inmates are under the supervision of designated personnel. Students should avoid contact with inmates and at no time give anything to or receive anything from an inmate. If you observe an inmate behaving improperly, please notify your course coordinator or other GPSTC employee immediately.
Double occupancy lodging is available free of charge for all eligible students. Basic students will be provided triple lodging, at no charge. Lodging will be provided the night before class starts. If a specific roommate is desired, you must check in together; otherwise, a roommate will be assigned. For more information on the types of lodging available, amenities, check-in time, quiet hours as well as fees and eligibility, please visit our barracks page.
GPSTC values your privacy, but in order to keep lodging costs low, we use inmate labor to clean the barracks. In an effort to minimize the amount of time inmates spend in barrack rooms, the rooms will be cleaned upon check-out only. Rooms that are occupied for more than a week at a time will be cleaned one time per week. A detailed cleaning schedule is posted in each barrack room.
We ask for your help in keeping rooms clutter-free by keeping your trash emptied in the large trashcans located on each floor. Students must secure all personal belongings in their designated locker/wardrobe before departing the room each day.
Should you need to exchange any linen items, the linen room is open Monday – Thursday from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.
Damage to Barrack Rooms: Damages to barrack rooms by students or missing items discovered upon a student’s checkout from the barracks will be billed to the agency with which the student is employed.
The fee for lost barrack room keys is $10.
All students are required to pay for meals. Meals can be purchased at the point of sale in the cafeteria where receipts are provided. The GPSTC cafeteria accepts cash, Visa, MasterCard, and debit cards with a Visa or MasterCard logo.
Agencies purchasing meal tickets are encouraged to do so no later than noon on Friday of the week prior to training. However, meal tickets are also available for purchase during regular business hours from the Front Desk or the Fiscal Services Division. For more information on meal plans, meal tickets and pre-payment for meals, please visit our student eligibility and tuition page student eligibility and tuition page.
A no-show for a course denies another person the opportunity to receive training. We urge registering a qualified person as a substitute via GPSTC Access in advance. Students or agencies that accrue more than two no-shows may be denied future training opportunities.
Entrance to the Georgia Public Safety Training Center requires the driver produce a valid driver’s license and to state the nature of the visit, i.e. name of class, name of person visiting. Student parking is in the south parking lot (to the left upon entering the main gate) with overflow parking and Conference Center parking on the north side. Students are not authorized to park in the front parking area or in areas designated as “visitor” parking. Vehicles must be kept locked at all times.
Tuition, meals, lodging and other charges may be paid by cash, check, money order, Master Card or Visa. Tuition should be paid in advance or upon arrival at the Training Center. If prearranged, charges may be billed to the agency. Checks should be made payable to: Georgia Public Safety Training Center. Tuition cannot be refunded after the student has begun a class. Please note the ending dates and times of all classes to ensure completion in a timely manner.
Be sure to review the course descriptions and submit any required documents or other required proof that prerequisites have been met. Failure to submit this information may result in the rejection of your registration.
The gymnasium, weight room and agility area hours of operation are Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. and may be used provided that a class is not in session in the area. Any recreation items needed after 5:00 p.m. (e.g. weight belts, gloves, etc.) must be supplied by the student.
Students who repeat a class due to failure will be assessed tuition fees. The rate of tuition is $15 per course hour. Tuition cannot be refunded after the student has begun a class. Please note the ending dates and times of all classes to ensure completion in a timely manner.
Course Coordinators are available to discuss with students any academic problems or to help with emergency situations.
Students should bring the supplies and/or equipment required in the course description. Students should also bring court shoes and other items appropriate for free time activities in the physical training area.
Students are expected to keep their classrooms and barrack rooms clean at all times and shall not damage or deface GPSTC property. Trainees who fail to return loaned Training Center property or incur indebtedness to the Center will not graduate until the debt is resolved or property returned.
Students are prohibited from having visitors or guests on campus, except on Resident Agency-sponsored family days and for graduation. Students must meet visitors outside the gates and MAY NOT escort the visitor onto campus. Violation of this rule may result in immediate dismissal from class and notification to both the student’s agency and the appropriate regulatory agency of dismissal for violation of academy rules.
If placed on the waiting list, students may not be registered for any other class with the same title, nor any class that starts or ends during the same period. The waiting list is for the specified course only. If the student is not selected for the class before the start date, the registration will be cancelled.